Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to using a Treadmill for Weight Loss

Treadmill is a fitness tool that has utility for cardio vascular training. With regular practice (Weight Control) routine and can provide a very good effect for heart health and your breathing. 

Whether this tools can be used to reduce weight? 
Sure you can, this device can be used by all people, both women, men, elderly, and children with exercise portion adapted to one's ability level. In addition to losing weight is used, the device is also good for terafi diseases such as, sugar, high cholesterol, uric acid and others, because basically this device using the exercise by running and walking. For the younger exercises can be done with the run, while for the treatment of disease enough to do while walking (depending on one's health condition). And of course needed an experienced trainer as your companion, remember discipline in training is an obligation that must be obeyed if you want to successfully reach the goal.Weight loss 6 months ago I reached 90 lbs. With regular exercise routine and I can lose weight gradually. During a period of 2 weeks after exercise using a treadmill I lost weight as much as 4lbs. Slow but convincing ... I till now have gained weight using this fitness device, almost 24 lbs I lost weight within a period of 2.5 months.

How to use the Treadmill for Weight Loss? 
Do you Know in what way to decrease my weight. Quite simply walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes. Usually people if you want to produce rapid weight loss with their exercise by running, but I made ... in accordance with the advice of your doctor .. that walking is much more healthy, safe and effective in losing weight ... especially to relieve stomach distended. Below I will give details of exercise ever conducted along with the pattern of life that must be done during training sessions.

First Practice Session 

Performed in the morning after breakfast before leaving for work. Breakfast is quite a piece of bread with a poached egg. Before the workout I always drink water or tomato juiceExercise walking for 15 minutes. Within 15 minutes that I divided into 3 stages to increase the speed of the treadmill.

Second Practice Session 

Performed while after lunch, plus a portion of the exercise to 15 minutes x 2, the exercise simply by walking, I try to set the time with work so I can go back fresh in the work. Do not forget to drink water before exercise.

Third Practice Session

Keep your dinner hour early, not to make too late, because this will cause more fat to accumulate in your body. As always you should drink plenty of water before practice begins. Enough exercise for 10 minutes before bed until you feel a little tired, this will lead to better quality of your sleep, do not be too much increase the reps at this time, because it will cause fatigue effects that are less good for your body. 

Note : 
Exercise routine every day
In the practice session the night, before bed is strictly forbidden to eat snacks or snack,
recommended you drink carrot juice for those who have acid reflux disease or tomatoes if you do not have the disease of stomach acid, an avocado is not recommended.

(Attention: training session is only for people who have problems with weight gain)
 Horizon Fitness T101-3 Treadmill (2012 Model)Horizon Fitness T101-3 Treadmill (2012 Model) 


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